Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun Facts for a Cleaner Home!

Here are some fun facts I found posted at

SALT For scrubbing gunk off wooden cutting boards, glass baking dishes, and pet bowls. Sprinkle a liberal amount on a damp sponge and wipe.
BAKING SODA For banishing stinky odors. Sprinkle a few tablespoon in the bottom of an empty gym bag and leave overnight: pour a liberal amount onto a trash can before putting in a new bag.
CORNSTARCH For absorbing oil and grease spills on clothing, upholstery, and leather. Pat on enough to cover stains (try to get them before they set); let it sit awhile, then remove with a toothbrush or vacuum.
LEMON JUICE For fading stains on unfinished wood, such as butcher block. Apply with a cotton swab, then air-dry.
CREAM OF TARTAR For removing rust from white porcelain fixtures. Mix 2 tablespoon of cream of tartar with a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to make a paste; apply to stain and let sit. After paste dries, rinse off.
3 PERCENT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE For killing mildew on bath tiles; sanitizing plastic cutting boards. Sponge over area; let dry,then rinse well. Mop up spills quickly (hydrogen peroxide can cause fading).

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