Saturday, December 27, 2008
I Believe...
We are never too old to initiate a new career
We should have fun aging; after all it's just a number
We should not be afraid to start something new
We should always have faith in ourselves
Have no regrets!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Big People Baby Food!
Note: Don't forget to check with the doctor to be sure this will be suitable for your baby.
""Infants and toddlers are better off eating home made food. It's less expensive for one thing. Store bought baby food is very bland, and most are heated to extreme high temps to sterilize them; which can kill many essential nutrients.
"Home made casseroles and stews are excellent. Mashed bananas and melon are good. Mash up or blend what you prepare for yourself. Be sure to finely chop any carrots, etc."
"Some tips:
freeze the baby food in ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can transfer the small ice cube-sized portions into freezer bags and date them. *It's important to use the food within 6 weeks of freezing*. When it's time to feed the baby, take out as many frozen cubes as you think you'll need and defrost them in the microwave or on low heat in a pan on the stove. You can also defrost them overnight in the frig"
Some other interesting things in the article to note and talk to the doctor about:
Babies under 12 months should not be fed cow's milk.
Avoid feeding them foods with high sugar and salt content.""
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Finding Yourself & the Love You Want
Here's a little insight from the book "In the Meantime":
"Learn to move through the fear, denial, confusion, and anger to figure things out"
Have a wonderful night!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Inspiring and Motivating for a Sunday
"When the task at hand is a mountain in front of you...
It may seem too hard to climb.
But you don't have to climb it
all at once
just one step at a time.
Take one small step...
and one small step...
then another...
and you'll find...
the task at hand that was a mountain
in front of you... a mountain
you have climbed."
written by Ashley Rice
Friday, November 7, 2008
Relationships Tip
Sunday, October 26, 2008
'In the Meantime'
Try this thought for today - from the book...
"Relationships are meant to provide us with a structure in which we support one another in finding and sharing happiness"
That's the key for me - 'sharing happiness' has to be a two way street of communication, love, compassion, feelings, etc.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Where you come from is not where you have to stay"
I believe everyone has the ability to change. It's what you decide to do that matters! Change is growth, just think about it that way, and you can and will succeed at whatever you put your mind to.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Are you where you are supposed to be?
"You learn by going where you have to go"
I really like this one. I can attest that there are many things I have had to do and many places I have had to go, though I didn't always want is all for good reason in the end!
Have a wonderful day, and go where you need to go! I did.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
To Gain
"To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything"
Bernadette Devlin
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Why not take a chance
"Take your chances doing things that may look crazy to other people"
Oprah Winfrey
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Struggle, but then Win!
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win"
Bernadette Devlin
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
How to Make Decisions
Thought this might be an interesting read for those who need some help making decisons.
How to Make Any Decision in Six Steps:
1. State the situation. Examine the situation and figure out what decision you have to make. List every possible detail and every person that is involved.
2. List your options. Figure out all the possible choices you can make. Remember that "not doing anything" is almost always a choice too.
3. Weigh the possible outcomes. List the positive and negative results of every choice that you could make. Weigh the positives against the negatives and decide if it is worth it. Remember to consider whether the choice is healthy, safe, and/or legal. Also, remember the effect it will have on others.
4. Consider your values. Ask yourself if you are comfortable with the possible outcome. Also, think about what your family, friends, and everyone one else will think about the decision. How will you feel about the decision a couple months from now?
5. Make a decision. This may be the hardest step. Once you pick a choice based on the positive effects outweighing the negative effects and it not going against your values, follow through with it. You can feel confident with your decision due to your careful planning.
6. Evaluate your decision. This is the most important step. If you don't evaluate your decision afterwards, you won't learn anything from it. Ask yourself if the outcome was what you expected. If it was worse, you probably made the wrong decision, if it was the same or exceeded your expectantions, you probably made the right decision. Remember to figure out what effect the decison had on your health as well as other people. Would you do it again?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New Recipe for you!
prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing"
William A. Ward
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Right or Wrong? Do you Tolerate Others?
or even because he is right, but because he is human"
John Cogley
Monday, July 21, 2008
Fun Facts for a Cleaner Home!
SALT For scrubbing gunk off wooden cutting boards, glass baking dishes, and pet bowls. Sprinkle a liberal amount on a damp sponge and wipe.
BAKING SODA For banishing stinky odors. Sprinkle a few tablespoon in the bottom of an empty gym bag and leave overnight: pour a liberal amount onto a trash can before putting in a new bag.
CORNSTARCH For absorbing oil and grease spills on clothing, upholstery, and leather. Pat on enough to cover stains (try to get them before they set); let it sit awhile, then remove with a toothbrush or vacuum.
LEMON JUICE For fading stains on unfinished wood, such as butcher block. Apply with a cotton swab, then air-dry.
CREAM OF TARTAR For removing rust from white porcelain fixtures. Mix 2 tablespoon of cream of tartar with a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to make a paste; apply to stain and let sit. After paste dries, rinse off.
3 PERCENT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE For killing mildew on bath tiles; sanitizing plastic cutting boards. Sponge over area; let dry,then rinse well. Mop up spills quickly (hydrogen peroxide can cause fading).
Saturday, July 19, 2008
"Fun with Dick & Jane"
“Fun with Dick & Jane” is enjoyable, silly and just an all around fun film for the entire family to watch. Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni are living the good life. They are raising their son in a good neighborhood; they have a nanny who takes care of him, and pretty much anything else they desire. When Dick gets promoted, Jane quits her job to stay home and spend more time with their son. All of a sudden out of nowhere, Dick loses his job and they both end up looking for new work; but of course they find nothing! They resort to robbing stores, but lack the necessary skills for this type of job to say the least. It’s a funny, and silly riches to rags and back to riches again story line. At one point Dick actually tries to rob a store and gets away with a slushy drink!!! Eventually Dick plans revenge upon his ex boss (Alec Baldwin), the high powered corporate exec responsible for Dick’s demise. Ultimately Dick finds himself back on top once again. Both Dick and Jane hold the movie together as a team, which makes it even more fun. Carrey and Leoni are a good contrast to watch on screen and allow the audience to of course shed a few laughs. If you are a Jim Carrey fan, and you like comedy, this one is for you.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is by far one of the best movies I have seen this year. It not only depicts the fun side of life, but also shows the sensitive regions too. Stellar performance by Ellen Page (Juno). She is the love of the movie, and keeps things moving on every beat! With little to no effort at all she is pleasantly entertaining. The movie totally revolves and evolves around Juno’s life changes and her personality. If you like humor and great acting, you definitely have to check out Juno. Fun for everyone.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Chaos Theory
I have to say great acting performance by Frank (Ryan Reynolds). Frank is the father of the bride to be, and striving to do be sure that his daughter Jesse is marrying “the right man”. Chaos Theory is full of fun, drama, comedy, and testing love with some very interesting twists. Just goes to show you that life if absolutely FULL of surprises. The movie is mostly circled around Frank and his experiences.
Frank is one of those list makers if you know what I mean. He writes everything down, categorizes things, and places his ideas (things to do) in numerical order of importance, etc. You get the picture. He is also very punctual – he does not miss a beat. So, as he is engaged in conversation with his soon to be son in law, he reflects back on the story of how and when life changed for him and what interferences could very well begin to take over what was once the perfect life for him. In other words, nothing is ever perfect. Be prepared for “things” to happen to test your love and marriage. You watch this movie just to see how Frank’s world hits rock bottom right before his (and the audience’s) eyes! Is it luck? Is it chance? Maybe fate? I personally always believe that the truth will prevail. Think about it. Eventually the truth typically does come out!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Hotel New Hampshire
Good acting by both very young Jodi Foster and Rob Lowe who play brother and sister. They find each other experiencing life in very unique and intriguing ways. It’s an older film from the late eighties just to put things into perspective. The family situation is nothing close to normal. I’d say closer to dysfunctional as a whole. Also, there seems to be a lot of disconnected thoughts and feelings throughout the film.
Price to Pay for Tomorrow
for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow"
William Boetcker
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fall, but then Rise Again!
every time we fall"
Nelson Mandela
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Believe in Yourself!
.....Norman Vincent Peale
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Healthy Aging
Snacking often gets a bad rap, but if you make intelligent choices about what you eat, you can actually benefit your health and longevity. Read on to find out how!Why Snacks?Most of us are used to eating three times a day, but it is much healthier to eat smaller meals more frequently -
f ive small meals a day, for instance. Eating in this way delivers a steady stream of nutrients, blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day and is also much less taxing on the digestive and metabolic systems.
And when you eat more small meals throughout the day, you will most likely avoid the pitfalls of overindulging at your next meal and may actually consume fewer total calories for the day. Keep healthy "grab-and-go" snacks on hand all the time to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks. Here are my top five snack choices:
1. Nuts and Seeds Keep You Young: Healthy and appetizing, nuts and seeds are absolutely the best snack of the bunch. Helping yourself to a handful of nuts and seeds every day can improve circulation and muscle tone.
And nuts and seeds are especially full of arginine, an amino acid that helps to combat heart disease, impotence, infertility, and high blood pressure, and it also facilitates the healing process. Additionally, arginine can stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.
The pituitary releases growth hormones, which begin to decline quickly in humans after age 35. This means that after 35, your hormones start to plunge and you experience some aging symptoms. The skin loses elasticity, the muscle loses mass and strength, the lean body tissue decreases, fertility and virility decrease, and other signs of aging start to set in.
Many nuts and seeds are rich sources of vitamin E, lignants and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect you from heart disease and also from the ravages of aging.Almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, and pistachios: mix them in any combination and enjoy! Keep in mind that there are more nutrients in the raw form than roasted. Make sure that the nuts and seeds are fresh and not old and rancid.
2. An Apple a Day for Heart Health: There are many reasons to eat an apple - or two or three - every day. One study discovered that subjects who ate five apples or more a week had a healthier lung function than those who ate no apples.
And scientists have confirmed that apples also contribute to a healthy heart. Thanks to the fruit's rich pectin content, eating two to three apples per day leads to decreased cholesterol levels. Pectin also helps prevent colon cancer, one of the top causes of death in adults over age sixty.
3. Bring On the Berries: In season again, berries are bursting with antioxidants. The enticing red, purple, and blue skins of berries contain bioflavonoids, antioxidant compounds that reduce free radical damage.
These flavonoids are more potent antioxidants than vitamins C and E, and they also help to reduce inflammation - more effectively even than aspirin! • Blueberries are your best pick because not only do they have the highest level of antioxidant activity, but they also possess powerful neuroprotective properties that shield brain cells from damage , helping to slow down the age-related onset of memory loss, Alzheimer's, and senility. • Cherries also contain these beneficial anthocyanin compounds, which stimulate your pancreas to produce insulin. In fact, Chinese researchers have observed that cherries help keep diabetics healthy. These compounds also protect you against cancer, arthritis, and heart disease because they lower cholesterol.To learn more about the health benefits of berries, click here.
4. Avocado: Packed with NutrientsAmong the many antioxidant nutrients, glutathione is known as the "master antioxidant." This naturally occurring compound, found in avocados (as well as asparagus, walnuts, and fish), is made up of the three amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine. Glutathione regulates immune cells, protects against cancer, and assists in detoxifying.
A deficiency in glutathione can play a part in diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, low sperm count, and premature aging. Avocados are also a source of L-cysteine, which helps protect your body from the harmful effects of pollution, chemicals, radiation, alcohol, and smoke. L-cysteine may also help boost immunity, protect you from heart disease, and build muscle. It is also useful for combating inflammation and encouraging healthy hair and nail growth. Pair your avocado with whole-grain crackers or whole-grain crisp breads for a fiber-rich tasty treat.
5. Apricots for Anti-Aging: One of the staple foods of the famously long-lived centenarians in the Hunza valley of the Himalayas is the apricot. Research has discovered that apricots have the highest levels and widest variety of carotenoids of any food.
Carotenoids are antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, reduce "bad cholesterol" levels, and protect against cancer. I hope you find the ways to nourish your body with healthy snacks! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me. May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
-Dr. Mao
(Posted on yahoo news - Mon, Jun 09, 2008, 2:24 am PDT )
Monday, June 16, 2008
It's All About You!!!
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
World Seed Vault in Norway!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
"The Waitress"
Now Joe (Andy Griffith) is the owner of the pie shop and he is always coming into the restaurant and giving the waitresses a hard time. Jenna is the only one that will wait on him due to his negative and sometimes insulting demeanor. If you listen closely though, Joe does seem to have a little bit of wisdom hidden within his negatives.
There are sad times, happy times, and some OMG what is she thinking… but in the end she finally makes the right decisions for her and the baby!
That's what life is virtually all about……make the right decisions & follow the right path! AND, by the way, if things don't go exactly the way you planned, so be it. Move on from there and learn from your mistakes!!! Have faith that you WILL make the right decisions and figure it all out along the way.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Beauty Tips:
Beauty lies in your kitchen:
EGG: Beat an egg and apply on your face and neck as a mask. Lie down for 20 minutes then rinse your face with lukewarm water. It helps to clean and tighten your skin and reduces wrinkles.
SALT: If you are exhausted physically or mentally try this. Add 2tbsp salt in warm water and plunge your feet in it for while and you will feel better.
CASTOR OIL: Applying Caster oil on the eyelashes makes them long and thick.
HONEY: if you have an oily skin, use mask of honey mix with egg white, for further excellent results add 1 tbsp milk cream in it. It will add glow to your face.
CUCUMBER: Cucumber’s juice and slices of cucumber are good for black circles, is very common tip. Cucumbers are also cleansers. Crush cucumber and add 1 tbsp of milk in it. Apply on your face and after a while wash it thoroughly with tepid water.
POTATOES: shred potatoes tie in a piece of cotton cloth and put it over your eyes for about 10 to 20 minutes. It helps to firm puffy and baggy skin around eyes.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pierce Brosnan, whom I really like in most of his movies, plays a very strong forceful and believable ‘bad guy’ in this mystery / thriller. This is not your typical Brosnan movie like you’re thinking. He’s no James Bond in this film! He takes the couple and the viewer on a wild roller coaster ride of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the bitter end of the movie; and definitely keeps you guessing what the heck he is doing and why.
Monday, June 2, 2008
"Mad Money"
Friday, May 30, 2008
P.S. I Love You:
My thoughts after this move, - Live life to the fullest; spend your time and energy on the precious and important things that matter! You never know when they will no longer be part of your life!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
27 Dresses
Katherine Heigl plays Jane who is always a bridesmaid never the bride. Jane is a really great person and a friend to everyone. She spends her free time helping all of her friends with their problems. She helps them plan their wedding, coordinating anything they might need for that special day! The problem is that Jane never really takes care of herself. She does not know how to say 'NO'. She is so busy running back and forth to weddings, at one point going to two on the same day, that she does not leave any 'real' play time for herself. Jane's untold desire is to be with her boss George (Edward Burns) when all of a sudden Jane's sister Tess comes to town for a visit and sweeps George out from under her. "Well, this is a reality check for Jane, you never really had him anyway! He is just your boss"
At one wedding, Jane meets Kevin (James Marsden), who appears to be very negative on the subject of marriage and weddings, and cannot think of anything to say that doesn't irritate the heck out of Jane. The word cynical comes up a few times. Then Kevin ends up writing an article about Jane and her life. This of course creates a huge emotional down turn for Jane until she realizes that Kevin is really a great guy and George was well again just her boss.
So, some thoughts for everyone... Live life with your own goals closer to the top of the list instead of putting them at the bottom and taking care of everyone else!!! We all deserve to fulfill our needs and desires.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Spider Man III
“Whatever comes our way
Whatever battle we have raging inside us
We always have a choice
(My friend harry taught me that
he chose to be the best of himself)
It’s the choices that make us who we are
And we can always choose to do what’s right”
I’m sure we have all at least heard of Spider Man, even if we have not seen the series of three (I, II, III) movies. Not my favorite type of film, but worth seeing if only for the inspiring words Peter Parker leaves us with and the special graphical effects. I’m sure your kids will love all three movies.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
"Joe Jedermann"
Now, Tim Allen alone is usually funny, which helps to render a comical film. Add to that the daughter Natalie’s humor, and you have an enjoyable comedy! Natalie is incredibly intelligent, happy, cute, fun, witty, and a real smart arse, for lack of a better word. She really keeps the movie rolling and keeps the audience wondering what she will say next. The wit just doesn’t seem to end. She was, very amusing, and a fantastic little actress. I was thoroughly impressed with her style and her ability to antagonize her mother and father, and get them to think about the outcome of their actions. Usually this is the parent’s role to keep their children in line, but not in this film. Here, at a few instances, the child and parent seemed to have switched real life characters. I realize that it must have been good writing, and she didn’t think of these lines herself, but it sure seems like it just comes natural to her. Keep in mind, I would not especially like my own daughter to talk the way she does, but it is just a movie. If you like a good love story, or some witty comedy, this is a good choice.
Now here is are real mind thrilling drama for you to see. This story really makes you think. Anthony Hopkins is forever playing the scary roles, or strange characters. Recall silence of the lambs for instance. If you like Anthony Hopkins, you will enjoy him in this film where he plays Doctor Ethan Powell, who was lost for a couple of years in the jungle while studying the mountain gorillas. He lived among the wild somewhere in Africa, and made friends / family with the gorillas! Subsequent to some tragic experiences he encountered on his journey, he no longer wishes to speak. Powell was deemed extremely harmful and psychotic. Dr Theo Caulder is the one person who thinks he can ‘figure it all out’ and unveil all the truths that lie within Powell’s mind. He believes he can get Powell to speak again, and tell him the events as they took place back in Africa. This is a pretty exciting story to follow. I was so intrigued, and sat on the edge of my seat just to see what Powell was going to do or say next; or if he was going to speak at all. It was hard to anticipate what the next action would be on the part of Powell or Caulder. The two are in fact playing mind games with each other to see who is ‘really” in control of the situation, and even in control of their own lives. Bottom line question is...are you in control of your life or is someone else???
License to Wed
I’m sure we all know what it’s like to be ‘in love’ with someone. We all know how tough marriage can be. We all know how hard any relationship is for the most part. The divorce rate alone scares me to death! Now, take a newly engaged couple (man and woman) who is totally in love, never fight, and in the midst of planning their wedding. Bride to be Sadie is played by singer / actor Mandy Moore and her other half Ben is played by John Krashinski. Sadie and Ben feel that they are so compatible that nothing can go wrong, or pull them apart. Robin Williams plays Reverend Frank, who insists that in order to marry in the family church, they must pass his personally developed marriage prep course. The course concentrates on trust, communication, fair fighting, and more. Keep in mind that one of the rules is no sex, and the reverend has bugged their home so he knows EVERYTHING! The prep course even takes them through a trial run of what it would be like to have children. Not just A child, but twins. Twin robots that is; they poop, cry, etc.
I especially like the part in the movie where Ben is asked to describe something about each member of Sadie’s family. Need I say more? I’ll leave it at that, and you probably already have an idea where this goes! Can’t imagine what I would say about my in laws! My favorite scene in the whole movie was when Reverend Frank stops over to the home of the couple and Sadie begins to talk to the reverend about their sex life. Ben becomes a bit disturbed by this, and thus he is not a happy camper! Of course this leads to some disappointing words between the newly engaged couple. The bottom line is to help the couple understand each other, communicate, and everything else that goes along with making a marriage work.
All in all, the movie is quite amusing, and at times absurdly entertaining. It eludes to educate the audience about marriage to some degree. It seems that Robin Williams is the key to holding the entire film together with his sense of humor, and witty responsiveness to the developments or subjects at hand.
88 Minutes
Well, of course someone wants to kill Al Pacino. Isn’t that the story of his life on screen? In this murder mystery thriller, 88 Minutes, it seems that everyone he knows may want him dead, and his head is spinning trying to figure out who the real killer is. Pacino plays Dr Jack Gramm, who is a college professor, and also works with the FBI. The whole adventure revolves around Jack after he receives an anonymous phone call telling him that he only has 88 minutes to live. The tension continually builds as Jack is framed and eventually named as the key suspect in the murders. 88 Minutes is mind boggling, and intense. If you think you know who did it, give it a few more minutes, and guess again!
We can watch movies, we can watch people walking down the street, we can become friends with people we meet, ignore them, the list of possibilities goes on. Don’t you sometimes wonder if they are happy, or sad, or working class people, rich, or poor, etc? Wouldn't it be interesting to know who and what they are without even asking? Maybe everyone wears a badge of some sort. Well…..the more I think about it….maybe not. It would take all the excitement out of meeting people, and choosing who you meet. Another thought is, do you believe in destiny, and that if you were meant to be here / there / anywhere, then you are exactly where you are supposed to be for the time being???
These thoughts, and countless others came to me while watching a rather out of the ordinary film titled "Bent" starring Clive Owen. In some ways I don't believe he knows himself at all, and then all of a sudden he seems to figure it out. It just goes to show you that some of us can skip through our lives and not even know who / what we are. This is an interesting war story that depicts the lives of homosexuals and people of Jewish faith. As a prisoner of war, the unknown is quite scary to everyone, but Clive Owen never fears his outcome, and claims he will live through it. He stays steady and strong throughout the film, and only shows his ‘true colors’ at the very end, when he feels it's time. Freedom at last I suppose. This movie should be approached with a very open mind. There are adult nudity and sexual scenes that some people would hesitate to watch. I though, have a very open mind for the most part, and like to understand what makes people tick. Very unique settings. Unique acting by Clive Owen. I have never seen him in a film quite like this, but he is very good in the role.
A true story about an aspiring author named Clifford Irving (played by Richard Gere) who is desperate and down on his luck. His recent fictional book, which he thought would be a big hit, has just been rejected by a big New York firm. In turn, Irving decides to create a magnificent story that will capture the firm’s attention and yield him millions of dollars. Irving’s inventive new book would be an autobiography of none other than Howard Hughes. Knowing that Hughes does not take to the lime light and do interviews, etc Irving believes he can produce a best seller and put himself back on top of the writing industry. Irving and his partner in crime, Dick (actor Alfred Molina) lie, steal documents, forge documents with Hughes’ signature, and create fake interviews between Irving and Hughes. Irving’s actions and the events that take place are creative and simply brilliant. To see what Irving and his partner strive to accomplish in order to obtain a fortune is totally amazing. Irving’s wife even decides to help. She deposits a check made out to Hughes into a Swiss bank account. Not a good move for her. Irving is eventually stopped in his tracks with legalities and accusations of falsifying almost everything he wrote. Yes, the book is a fake / phony / HOAX, and also provides implications that would impeach President Nixon at the time. Thus, in the end, the book is not published. This movie is at times funny, but mostly deceitful, and just plain wrong doing! Ultimately, Irving, his pal Dick, and his wife are all brought to justice. If you like history you will enjoy this film. As for the acting, I feel that Richard Gere may not have been the best choice for the main character in this film. He seems to remain flat and distant throughout the film, and does not bring about the true essence of the real story. I think the film would have had more of an impact on me had they chosen a different actor for the lead character Clifford Irving. All in all it is a good story and provides the audience with a recap of true past events in history.
"Death Proof"
Well….not sure how to begin to explain this Quentin Tarantino film. The words demented and twisted actually come to mind. I picked this movie because it starred Kurt Russell, and figured it must be pretty good. Geez, did I think wrong! Stunt Man Mike (Kurt Russell) seeks a good time by simply killing women and he knows just how to play the game to keep the law on his side. This movie delivers a warped sense of right and wrong. Yet there are no legal implications that he has done anything wrong! How does he get away with this I thought? He follows women, practically stalks them, and listens to their conversations to get to know them before he actually meets up with them to kill them. In the end, the tables are turned and the women start fighting back. Boy was Kurt Russell surprised when the women begin to attack him instead! This movie reminds me of a Kill Bill, or Pulp Fiction type of film, both of which I still don’t quite get either. It has to take some strange minds to come up with this type of suspense, murderous thriller. The acting was okay, but not great. I would definitely NOT recommend this for young kids to watch.
"A Crude Awakening"
The expert cast refers to oil as the cause of all wars since WWI.
If you enjoy politics, history, and world news, you should see this film.
"The Contract"
"Bridge to Terabithia"
Disney fun time with the kids!
It’s Magical…….
Bridge to Terabithia is one of those Magical Kingdom movies, where you can imagine away. For two young school children, they imagine giant trolls, and all sorts of things in their newly found kingdom, they call “Terabithia” across the creek from where they live. The only way to get to their new world is by swinging across with a rope. They refurbish an old tree house that they find in the woods and claim it as their secret place.
The story is a lesson on how to keep an open mind, be creative, express yourself, understand others, and grow from all encountered experiences. It is also the discovery of inner feelings, and making something yours. The two children have a special bond of make believe and fantasy. A vivid imagination is key to this Disney tale.
I think this is good for all ages, IF your children are not afraid of strange creatures in the woods and giants. There is also a funeral scene that might be a bit disturbing to some young people too. It’s always hard when a friend or loved one dies.
"Secret Window"
“Secret Window” is one of those typical Stephen King thriller, murder, mystery, and just let your imagination go type of movies. I thought Johnny Depp was great in his role as Mort, the writer suffering from, you guessed it, writer’s block. Not to mention he is going through a divorce, and trying to kick the smoking habit.
The other really incredible role was the creepy / sinister man named Shooter, played by John Turturro. Shooter seemed to be there for the sole purpose of antagonizing Mort to the fullest! As the movie progresses, Depp’s character becomes more complex, and left me to guess who he really was. If you like Johnny Depp, and or Stephen King, this is a great pick for you. On the other hand, if you don’t like the mystery of Stephen King books or movies, then this is not the movie for you.
Life As a House
It’s about
making today count,
focusing on what’s important,
focusing on what matters,
not losing track of life before it passes you by
“Life as a House” is a family story that will surely touch your heart. It’s serious, humorous, and revolves around family. It is a good father and son bonding story, but mom’s will definitely associate as well. If you have teenagers, you will especially relate to what is happening throughout this entire film.
Mom is frustrated with her teenage son who does not get along with step dad, natural father, or too many other people for that matter. Maybe it’s because the son is using drugs, hanging with the wrong crowd, and frustrated with trying to find himself? Kevin Kline plays George Monroe, the boy’s natural father who becomes ill, realizes what he has failed at in life, and doesn’t have much time to make things right. He decides to tear down his old beaten up house and rebuild as a father and son summer bonding activity. Of course at first, the son refuses to stay with dad for the summer, refuses to help with the build, and refuses to respect anything his parents say. Then, miraculously taking one step at a time, father and son begin to connect. This great progress, and the ability to move forward comes just in time for George to pass on, and leave his son to live life on his own. It really is a great story / film, and Kevin Kline is better than I have ever seen him before.
The Bucket List
Some really good thoughts from the movie:
Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?
Also, as one friend passes on here is the thought of the other:
His eyes were closed
And his heart was open
I thought “The Bucket List” was a very good movie. Two great actors (Morgan Freeman & Jack Nicholson) begin as total strangers, and end as GREAT friends! It is an incredible story about two men who set out to fulfill their dreams, and last wishes. When they are both told that they do not have much time to live, they develop the bucket list, and live life to the fullest. It’s kind of a guy thing if you will, as opposed to what some may call a ‘chick flick’. It is absolutely worth seeing. It involves very serious subjects and discussion, but also at times good humor too. There is a good mix of happy and sad with fulfillment in the end!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Rescue Dawn"
Inspired by true events, Dieter Dengler’s plane is shot down over Viet Nam. He is captured and held prisoner along with a group of others who have been held there for a few years already. Dengler miraculously sustains his sanity without proper care, food, water, amongst many other constraints. Eventually, he is able to motivate the other prisoners into believing there is hope, and to help him with his plan to escape.
Dengler is eventually recovered by the US while making his way through the jungles. He returns home to see thousands of people cheering him on and congratulating him for his courage as he steps down from the helicopter. (Note that Dengler was said to be the only US Navy pilot to escape and make it home).
Dengler speaks and leaves the crowd with these inspiring words of wisdom:
“Empty what is full
Fill what is empty
Scratch where it itches”
One can only imagine what he was thinking and / or remembering when he said those words!
This is definitely NOT your typical blood and guts war movie, though there is a little of that too, but not like most of the war stories I have seen. This movie is centered more on life, courage, and the power of positive thinking. All of this resulting from one single man, who was able to encourage a group of people to be more optimistic and search for the strength and energy to survive. It’s all about having Faith & Hope even if it sounds silly vs quitting and simply giving up.
So a message for everyone is to remember, things could be worse in your life / our lives, but really it’s not so bad when we really think about it. We need to figure out how to focus, stay positive, and move forward in the right direction at the right place and time.
Silly childhood memories...
I remember when I was a kid. My dad was always the joker. Every time you asked him "what's for dinner", the answer would be pickled pigs feet. Of course, we would always say yuk, and then go ask mom. Well, never having eaten pickled pigs feet myself throughout my life, I always thought of it as just one of my dad's silly jokes. That was until I met someone who actually does eat it. Just thought I would share with those who didn't know! You can also hop a plane to Hong Kong to see the real / raw feet hanging on the streets waiting to be purchased for dinner. Makes you want to run out and get some huh!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Interesting Facts About Peroxide:
I personally have used peroxide for my teeth and gargle for many years, as well as for counter tops, etc in the kitchen. I keep a spray bottle on the counter. I have also used peroxide for many other things too. Thought I would share for those who may be interested.
The Health Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide By Becky Ransey of Indiana "I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little old bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide, or they would lose thousands of dollars"
1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I bathe.) No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash. (small print says mouth wash and gargle right on the bottle).
2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of Peroxide to keep them free of germs.
3. Clean your counters, table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave afresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.
4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.
5. I had a fungus on my feet for years - until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.
7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will.
8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, or plugged sinuses. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into a tissue.
9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away,put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.
11. Put half of a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus,or other skin infections.
12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
13. I use peroxide to clean my mirrors with, and there is no smearing which is why I love it so much for this.
14. When pruning trees, spray with water/peroxide solution to guard against infections and bugs....and it won't leave that ugly black stain of the commercial pruning sprays
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thought Provoking:
So love the people who treat you right
Love the ones who don't just because you can
Believe everything happens for a reason
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands
If it changes your life, let it
Kiss slowly
Forgive quickly
Nobody ever said life would be easy
But it's worth it.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Funny For Today:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tea Time in China
Tea Time
one for you
one for me
high time
low time
any time
is a good time
for a cup of Chinese tea
photo by Laura Vanderwill
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Beauty in Poland
Some beautiful flowers we found in Poland while walking through the Botanical Gardens.
Each flower has it's own unique appeal, as do humans!
You just have to look deep within sometimes to see it!
Photos by Andrew Tarasiewicz & Laura Vanderwill
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Who's to Say...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dinner is served......Come and get it.....
Yummy yummy
In my tummy
Wondering if
They might taste gummy???
My guess would be
From what I see
They would appear to be
just not for me!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Additional Comments on Communication:
"The more thoughtful the man, the more complicated will be the streets in his brain, and the more easily he will be receptive to newer ideas and understand them"
Thoughts on Communication:
Note the following relationship helpers paraphrased from some online sources:
- " Most people really do listen but they don't understand. The reason they don't understand is that many people listen from their own agenda. You have to listen with the intention of understanding the other person. Unless you listen to other people with the intention to connect and to understand, there will always be distance and conflict".
- Communicating well at work does NOT equate to being a good communicator in a relationship. These are two very different things. At work it's communicating to get a job done, or sell something. Communicating with the intention to influence or communicating with the intention to be efficient or effective may lead to more sales and higher productivity in the workplace. But, if you try to use either of those two strategies in a relationship that you want to be close and connected, you'll quickly find out how easy it is to destroy it in almost no time at all. A close connected relationship with another person isn't created by efficiency or influence. It's created by connection, love, balance, harmony and partnership"
Here's to Happy, Healthy, Successful Relationships for everyone!
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Little On The Wild Side Today...
The Wild Things You Encounter While Traveling!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"The Little Ones"
Forever searching for some fun
Pitter or patter
Doesn't really matter
They're here
They're there
They're everywhere
Some tears
Some fears
Make these the best years
poem and photo by Laura Vanderwill
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
So, which will it be
Paris or Italy
These are the choices
We have only two voices
You pick
No, I pick
Let's both pick together
Also depends on the upcoming weather
I'm open
I'm free
Wherever it may be
Picking and choosing
And no way of losing
It's up in the air
I just shrug with a stare
I'm speechless - in awe
That we might see it all
Laura Vanderwill
Monday, April 21, 2008
Which Way Do I Go?
I don't always know
It's hard to see
What is meant to be
Even at times
When it's right in front of me
I wish I could read
Right through it all
To see the seed
Through a crystal ball
poem and phto by Laura Vanderwill
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
"Feast of Love"
As if you couldn't figure out what the movie was about by the's a feast of love all right. There is a lot to learn from the events of this film. It's about love, life, death, friends, family, God, happiness, sadness, making decisions, knowing the future, and everything else you can encounter in life, all combined! There are a lot of very powerful emotions running around this film, and Morgan Freeman tries to anchor everyone back down to reality without actually telling them what they really should do.
As for Greg Kinnear. He is really great in this film too. He is such a natural in my mind, and in this movie, he is down to earth, subtle and honest. So, of course that means he is always the one to get hurt. Throughout the movie, he learns to change his perspective on marriage and a lot of other things. He begins to understand that you cannot keep someone from who or what they really love in their heart. He also eventually comes to terms with the fact that his wife left him for another woman. Yes, another woman!
The movie was rather well done in my opinion. I have to admit too that I shed a few tears, but it was worth it! I would even like to see it again. The ending really touches your heart!
In other words, make sure you see what you are jumping into.
Friday, April 18, 2008
No, I double dare you...
to be different
to love yourself
to love what is inside of you
to NOT follow the crowd
to inspire someone who needs it today
to feel good
to BE good
to do the right thing
to 'hang' with the right crowd
be productive
be yourself
to watch an inspirational movie
to live every day to the fullest
to help an elderly person cross the street
believe with all your heart
LOVE with all your heart!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What could be more beautiful & RELAXING! (photos by Laura Vanderwill)

See the inner Beauty!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Great Quotes:
compared to what lies within us"............. Ralph Waldo Emerson
2) "The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been".......... Alan Ashley-Pitt
3) "Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point, then leave it behind. Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time. From this moment onwards you can be an entirelydifferent person, filled with love and understanding, ready with anoutstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed"............ Eileen Caddy
4) "Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it is all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you are willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you are willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you have got the essential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces"........... Joseph Sugarman
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Game Plan"
We definitely need more movies like this
So, there is the question to ask yourselves....."What is most important to you in life?" -
"Don't lose track of what's important to you!"
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium - What fun it is...
The two most important messages I took away from this film are:
1) What you need to believe in is "YOU"
2) Your life is an occasion, rise to it! (I love this one)
It's a good viewing for all ages. In some ways it reminded me of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but on a different level. This one is about a toy story instead of a candy factory.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A short laugh for today - For those who love to eat!
.......and he says I have a lot of "junk" in my kitchen drawer.......ha
"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people."
---Orson Wells
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sydney White
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Do you have a winning attitude?
1. Always be excited.
2. Stop making excuses.
3. Always be up.
4. Make a total commitment.
"More than 90% of winning is being excited!"
A. L. Williams
"Into the Wild"
Sad but true...
"Happiness is real when shared"
Friday, April 4, 2008
"Laughing Matters"
I read that some studies have shown laughing does really matter. "This is especially true when taken with a healthy dose of optimism." This piece today actually comes from my health booklet mailing (Wise Woman), and does not give the author of the write up for the article. I wish it did so that I could reference it, or book mark it to read more on the topic. So, I will quote it. Here it is...
- "We feel better after a good laugh
- It relaxes our muscles, reduces tension and boosts our immune system
Optimistic, humorous outlook helps persevere in the face of adversity (pessimistic attitude, by contrast leads to feeling helpless)
- We generally become optimists or pessimists in childhood and carry those attitudes through life (these attitudes shape us and even influence our physical health and longevity)
- Our bodies healing systems respond to positive attitudes and emotions"
Now, question is, can you change from pessimist to optimist? The answer is YES!!! It will take a lot of practice and positive self-talk, but it can be done.
I believe where there is will there is a way!
"Defining things that happen to you:
If it's good...
1) Give yourself credit. Identify what you did to make that happen.
2) Think how your strengths can also influence other areas of your life.
3) Consider it a sign of more good things to come.
If it's bad...
1) Recognize it's not your fault and has no bearing on future events.
2) Work to find the humor.
3) Pop in a funny movie.
4) Remember you can do better next time.
The more you practice healthy thought patterns, the more automatic they will become"
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Health & Happiness - Inspire Yourself & Laugh Today
"Welcome to the Ego Repair Hotline!
Press 1 for 'Hey, you look great today!'
Press 2 for 'How did you get to be so smart?
Press 3 for 'I wish I was more like you' "
(was written by Randy Glasbergen -
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Perception & Behavior
"Perception is the driving force of behavior"
"A significant danger we all face is to interpret another person's behavior based on our own perceptions"
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Advertisement for the day
"Stupidity is always on sale"
Keep your chin up &Have a Great Day!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
When one door closes......
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Finding Your Inspiration
Okay, so since I never really looked, I was thinking to myself last night, hmmm...I wonder what really defines inspiration? So, I went to the online sources, and this is the first thing I clicked on. I thought it was a really good read, and I think it all goes right back to knowing yourself, liking yourself, and trying to stay positive. I thought everyone might like the review it too. ENJOY!
Ten Ways to Find Your Inspiration
The word inspire comes from the Latin word for inspirare, which means to breath upon or into. When we inspire others, we're living from our higher selves. When we're being inspired, we expand beyond what we previously were, or know our selves to be. Our lives have new breath. Our soul and our actions are one.
1. Know what inspires you. Go back to your memories and recall when you felt most inspired. What was the common thread amongst the different times when you've been inspired? Was it a quality about another person or your self? Was there a theme to the times when you've been inspired, or have been inspiring? Was it an action that a person took - or that you took? Think about what's inspired you in the past. Look to see what's missing now.
2. Learn to live with ambivalence while striving for perfection. Inspiration lives between the two spaces of ambivalence and perfection. Inspiration speaks to the best within our selves - ambivalence is the messiness of our lives, the life process. Perfection is the ideal, while ambivalence is its application. Inspiration is what moves us forward in life - through the ambivalence and towards the ideal.
3. Take a break from your life. Go to a movie or hike a mountain to its highest vista. Surround yourself with the sound of the rhythm of water, while the warmth of the sun energizes your body. Move your body so you feel its life. Keep your focus on nothing other than your experience. Live in the present.
4. Inspiration isn't only what's done TO you. Being inspired requires an openness of heart and spirit. Create an environ- ment that supports an open heart, so that inspiration blossoms in your life. Just as a flower needs soil and water, so too does inspiration need openness of heart and spirit. Inspiration can't exist without this.
5. Sometimes we fall before we stand. Don't beat yourself up when you fall from grace. Life is a process and isn't static. When you fall, don't beat yourself up for falling. Acknowledge the fall and it's impact on your life. At some point, you'll take action and stand up. Trust the process.
6. Divert your attention. Forget about the joys that inspiration brings, and live from another domain. An inspired life isn't only about inspiration. It's also about exhilaration, about passion and living life fully. Do something completely different than you normally would. Strike up a conversation with someone you typically wouldn't, and approach the conversation with naivete, openness and depth. There's a good chance that inspiration will come to you when you're least looking for it.
7. Surround yourself with what inspires you. If a certain type of person inspires you, follow and nurture the attraction. Trust what inspires you, and let it guide your actions. If a Wagner opera inspires you, surround yourself with it's music so you feel completely at one with the music, and with what inspires you. Lose yourself in what you love and be inspired.
8. Get outside of yourself. Though you think you know what inspires you based on past experiences - this doesn't mean that you can't be inspired by something new that previously didn't effect you. Live in the present and pay attention to what tugs at your heart. This will give you a hint to newer sources of inspiration.
9. Grace + openness + life + soul = inspiration. Create a formula consisting of the ingredients that define inspiration for you. We all have different perceptions and experiences of inspiration. Define what it is for you.
10. Inspiration is a quality and a state of being. To be inspiring to others is to be self-generative and inspiring to our selves. How can you be more self-generative? One must live in a state of being that allows for inspiration to take root. How can you cause and create your own source of inspiration? Where are you self-generative in your life, and how can you be more self-generative?
Copyright © 2001 by Jan Gordon.