Sunday, March 9, 2008

A bit of funny for today. Enjoy...

Okay, I wonder if this has ever happened to any of you???
Maybe it’s a sign. Hopefully a good sign
Maybe you will all get a little laugh today!
Inspired by true events…

What an artistic approach to redecorating my coat
Colorful like a parade float
Yucky like an old drooling billy goat

Slimy and wet
I’d venture to bet
Can’t even do anything with it yet

I’m stuck with it there
While I finish my walk in the cold air
So glad it’s not in my hair

Yup it was me
The pigeon poop fell on from up in the tree
Oh gee why me
At least it was free
Guess I need to go do the laundry

written by Laura Vanderwill

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